
Thursday 15 September 2011

london riots

somthing that has been bothering me for a long time is the fact that the riots even took place, in what way did that help anyone?, at 1st it kind of made sense people were angry and somtimes people are like sheep if someone starts it, others will join in, but it got too far to quickly, it just turned into every chav and hoodie rioting and looting, it made me feel sick to even be next to england, it actually felt like england started crying like a baby for attension while scotland got so embarresed and walked away slowly, it just got so far a out of line.

there were many ingeries from the rioters and the police and fire department, AND FOR WHAT!!!!??, so a couple of chavs can run around hurting people with bottles and other random weapons, ok mabey i dont know the whole story but what ever excuse they could ever come up with would never be enough for someone to go "oh really? you were trying to prove a point well alright then i guess you can get off scot free" NO!!!. IT DOESENT WORK LIKE THAT!. frankly there lucky they havent been caught and shot down because of the familys that have been terrified to go outside.

the looting is one that is bugging me alot, why did they need to steal things, what ruining the lives of the police and there familys werent enough for you, you had to ruien there buisness too, i mean what kind of example were you trying to set IF ANY!!!, all these riots and injurys just so a couple of chavs can steal some new f@#king shoes. i dont f@#king think so, i hope they are all ashamed, especially the ones who didnt get caught and consider themselves lucky.

anyway i know it was a while ago but the reason i bring it up again is because, THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!!!,
people who were caught in the riots and put in prison have done it again and started gang fights in the prison, REALLY!!!???, you couldent help yourselvs? you thought it might be a little...oh i dont know stupid,idiotic,down right F@#KING THICK HEADED!!!. take your pick.

i suppose they are going to try and loot all the trays and plates for there food and all the sheets and even the toilet bowl just so they feel at home again.

i am really glad sombody made this cause it makes perfect sense its from the old spice adverts for the looting i love it cause it works.

"Hello Rioters, Look at your friend, now back to me. Now at your friend, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped using petrol bombs and started using job centre he could potentially be me. Look down, back up. Where are we? You’re at an interview with the man your friend could work for. What’s in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It’s an application form to that job you need. Look again. The form is now money. Anything is possible when you get a job and stop looting"

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